Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Fisher Price Brilliant Basic - AA02493

Fisher Price Brilliant Basic - AA02493
  1. Produk No.AA02493 ,
  2. Nama Barang : Fisher Price Brilliant Basic - AA02493
  3. Harga Barang : Rp.95.000 , [Harga tidak mengikat & belum berikut ongkos kirim] ,
  4. Kategori Barang : Rumah Tangga ,
  5. Kondisi Barang : 100% Baru ,
  6. Hitungan Berat Barang : 1.000 gr ,
  7. Hitungan Berat untuk Pengirimgan : 3 kg ,
  8. Minimal Pembelian : 1 pcs , 
  9. Keterangan atas Barang :Product Descriptions :-Ten bright blocks are ready for baby to drop into the open bucket or through the shape-sorting lid. Filling the bucket with blocks, dumping them out, and starting over is great for eye-hand coordination and other early skills. Then baby can move on to sorting and stacking, learning about identifying and matching shapes while having fun!
    Developmental Benefits for Baby
    Helps baby learn through everyday experiences
    Helps baby learn to identify & sort shapes & colors.
    Enhances problem-solving skills with put & take play, stacking & sorting.
    Motivating Imagination
    Encourages creative thinking as baby discovers new ways to play with blocks.
    Bright colors & interesting shapes intrigue baby.
    Encourages Developing Motor Skills
    Placing blocks in bucket strengthens eye-hand coordination.
    Grasping & sorting blocks develops finger & hand dexterity.
    Recommended Age : 6 months & above

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